I've recently discovered Kimberly Snyder's Beauty Detox Solution and I love it! It's based on the idea that humans evolved to eat a mostly plant based diet and combing the right foods in the right way to enable your body to stop wasting time eliminating all the nasties from the sugar and processed foods we eat and start using that same energy to heal your body to make it the best it can be!
I'm slowly transitioning my diet across, Kimberly warns that if you do too much too soon you may end up feeling worse and cutting down on meat and adding in waaaaay more veggies than I usually have did not go well so I've had to take it down a notch.
She recommends completely ditching all Dairy and I have already nixed milk after finding out that no milk helped my acne out. No cheese is really getting to me though!
I highly recommend getting her books and having a look at her website: http://kimberlysnyder.net/blog/
I'll let you all know how I get on with it as I work my way through the lifestyle properly!