My Yoga Journal


I've been keeping a daily journal for 3 years now. I'm now on my third copy of this one from Daily Greatness as I love it so much! 

The journal starts with a series of questions to ask yourself and sections to fill in to find out your overarching goals for how you want to live your life and what is really important to you. I found it really helpful to sit down for a therapeutic hour and go through this at the start and it really does help focus your mind. Each time I start a new copy I still repeat the exercise as as people grow up things like this can change with time and I find it helpful to check in and see if my path is still working for me. 

The journal then is divided into 4 sections of 90 days. Each 90 days you set goals that you want to achieve over this time, that can be as big or as small as you want. You also decide smaller steps and things you can do to help you as with all goals, breaking them down to smaller chunks makes them much more manageable. 

Each week you then have an opportunity to set goals just for the week ahead and plan your week. I really like doing this on a Sunday as it helps me to see where my week is heading. You also take the time to review the week thats just gone in detail.

The daily pages contain quite a bit of information! These allow you to break your day down into hour long blocks. They also have a list of questions for you to answer including what you are grateful for that day, if there was anything you are proud of, how you are feeling and if there was anything you would have done differently. Part of my bedtime routine is now taking 5 minutes to work through these questions, to evaluate my day and find something I am grateful for, even if it is only as simple as a good cup of tea! I find this has made me much more positive and has helped me to be more realistic when things have not gone quite according to plan. It also helps me keep my depression in check as the regular questions on how I'm feeling force me to evaluate this. 

It also has space to record your daily yoga and meditation practice and space to dream, reflect or get creative! 

I find this is such a simple but effective tool to help me wind down at night, assess my goals and help me to achieve them and as a tool to help monitor my feelings and nip any bouts of depression in the bud before they really take hold. 

You can get your own Yoga Journal from the Daily Greatness website here.

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