The Simple Things


Today I thought I'd write about one of my favourite magazines at the moment, The Simple Things.

I've got pretty fed up recently of the traditional fashion magazines as the clothes are either ridiculous and / or extortionate and I've found them becoming so shallow. Elle appears to be the only one still challenging itself with excellent writing whereas the rest of them are just becoming more and more of a farce. Maybe i'm just growing up! 

The Simple Things is completely different to all that. I love this magazine as it pretty much encompasses Hygge; its all about excellent writing, good food, interesting homewares, cups of tea and those odd miscellaneous things you wouldn't find anywhere else. 

I love that it gives ideas and food for each season as well which really helps you tap into the wheel of the year and what each season is really all about as much of it gets lost by living in the city. 

My favourite recent series of theirs has been their wheel of the year feature as each month they have celebrated where the wheel of the year is at by writing about how the season is reflected on an allotment and provided simple and tasty ideas on how to mark each changing season. I also love the Miscellany at the back and the monthly brain teaser! 

Its the perfect magazine to read on a lazy Sunday afternoon with tea and cake :)

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