Liz Earle Skin


Liz Earle's new book Skin was released a couple of weeks ago and it's a great read if you are looking for sensible, no nonsense tips on how to look after your skin. I've always loved Liz's books and I can't recommend them highly enough if you want to really understand how your skin works and how to properly look after your skin, without the nonsense the media churn out in an effort to get you to buy more products. I can honestly say that after following the advice of Liz and Caroline Hirons (read her blog here) my skin has never looked better and I've been doing less to it than I was before.

I used to really have issues with acne (especially those horrible red lingering mountains that never come to a proper head and just live on your face for weeks before disappearing) and from Liz I've learnt that actually using less in the way of products, looking at what I was eating and being careful of stress will do more than any product ever could.

The first part of the book is a 6 week plan to get you making small changes to your skincare routine gradually so you are more likely to keep on doing them.

The second half of the book then builds on the first and has some amazing recipes in it to get you feeding your skin from the inside. I can't wait to try the Cinnamon-toasted Oats with Yogurt and Summer Fruit recipe below, it looks absolutely delicious!

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